When we refer to the ancestral voice in the contemporary world, we speak of a voice in the process of reclaiming itself, a voice that seeks to strengthen and embody itself in those who inhabit it. 

We all have our profound, unique and accurate voice at the edge of our singing, it is through the Ancestral Voice that we will recognize and embrace its primal energy. 

A song, a voice is capable of transmitting, often altering, transforming, inexplicably emoting, taking us to a space within ourselves of "distant" memories, which nevertheless make up our present, or what we sense as part of our own reality not yet explored. .

The Invitation

Change The close caption of video to English ! 

  • To connect with the body’s deep listening capacities which involves one's own paradigms in relationship to sounds from childhood until now,
  • The aim ia to raise awareness to those sounds that remain hidden in your own system.
  • To learn a practice that helps you free your expression.
  • To unlock your voice, opening the way to your own ancestry.
  • Explore the elements that are related to nourish your singing, your voice, your sounds.
  • To open up the channels of creation through play and the wonders of sound. 

Ancestral Voice 

1 day Immersion 

We are super excited to be hosting one of my amazing teachers, who I (Fiorella) deeply admire. Coming all the way from the south american lands to offer her voice medicine with us.

She has been one of my teachers, and I feel honor that she will be here!

For all of you desiring and longing to reclaim and expand your voice, and above all, experience the path that this meeting wants for us, from the core of the sound, from the fire of the heart and the expression of our being, in all its dimensions.

A methodology with a holistic vision for the well-being and balance of your voice, your body and emotionality.

There will be a serving of Munay Medicine's heart opening ceremonial cacao during the day. 

The classes will be translated to english ( by me, Fiorella) but don't worry as our language during this day will be our voices, sound and bodies! 

Come dress comfortably.

There will be a pause for lunch break. (Lunch not included) 

Fika and cacao will be served. 

We see you there ! 

with love,

Munay Medicine with Soema Montenegro


About Soema 

Soema Montenegro is an experimental singer and songwriter based in Buenos Aires Argentina. She mixes the sounds and images of the jungle and mountain landscapes with her original poetry, creating a new and unique voice in the current South American music scene.

She is often referred to as a poet-shaman.

Soema finds inspiration from indigenous traditions and nature as she continues to be relevant and innovative.

Her charming theatrical and emotional narrative transcends language and transports listeners. She has received critical acclaim from international audiences around the world.

In collaboration with 

Fiorella Garibaldi is a Sacred Space holder, international best selling author, cacao ceremonialist, yoga teacher, breathworker and retreat facilitator. She helps women connect back into their bodies, their hearts and their wombs, awakening their true expression, through ancient wisdom, intuitive energy work and embodiment practices. Her passion is for everyone to experience themselves as the true source of everything they need, empowering them to look within for answers, and to experience their full potential in every single moment

I'm deeeply honored to be able to collaboarte with someone I deeply admire. As one of my mentors, she has had a profound impact in my life and in the way I relate  to my voice and sound. I will be tranlslating when necessary and holding space for all of you ! 

I can't  wait for you to experience the same. 

About Fiorella Garibaldi  

Take part of this transformative experience

June 1, 2024, Örebro 

June 2, 2024- Eskilstuna